The Children's Place Waitlist
The Children's Place accepts children for the waitlist in the order their completed waitlist form AND waitlist fee are received.
Waitlist priority and placement:
Placement on the waitlist will be as follows:
Children with currently enrolled siblings at TCP
Families with two or more children enrolling at the same time
Children or grandchildren of active members (parents/guardians) of CUCC San Carlos (must be verified by CUCC SC)
Children or grandchildren of active members (parents/guardians) of Fully Alive Church, The San Carlos Lions Club, or Junior Matrons Social and Service Club (to be verified by Organization)
Community Members
Notification and Acceptance:
Families will be notified when a spot becomes available.
Families must respond within 2 days or 48 hours to accept or decline the offer.
If a family declines, the next family on the waitlist will be contacted.
Waitlist Maintenance:
Keep your contact information updated.
Failure to respond may result in removal from the waitlist.
You can stay on the waitlist for future opportunities until your child reaches the age limit.
Age Eligibility:
Ensure your child meets the age requirements for the program.
We do not discriminate in our waitlist based on any protected characteristics.
Enrollment Policies:
Families accepting enrollment offers must follow our standard enrollment policies and procedures.
Waitlist Fee
Our current waitlist fee is $125.00. Waitlist fees are non-refundable, but will be applied to your registration fee upon enrollment.